I met a new person in the hospital
I've known her for over 30 years
This time we met for a first time again with her
grappling an infection that could be her
Openly following her inner whisperer
Her depleted call for homemade simple soup -
something for nourishing beyond the chocolate
pudding, coffee and tomato soup being served
She sips and feels life reentering her antibioticed cells.
mmmmmmmmmmmm she savors
With my hands on her heart and mid back
Exactly how she places them . . .
me with the New Years dream of vastly deep water
and she with a dream of a beautiful green meadow
We descend silently into the realms of our visions
. . . Healing announces herself.
I love thinking about the healing power of touch and breathing with someone. As well as the healing power of homemade soup. I have my Dutch oven on my stove waiting for my inspiration to fill it up with nourishing vegetables and water to make soup.
Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday.